In the global South, specifically in Africa, poverty, lack of education and poor infrastructure impair the medical coverage of the population. Hospitals are often not up to international standards. The bigger part of the population doesn't have medical insurance, the treatment of children has to be paid by their families, who often lack the funds to do so.
In addition, a big part of the population is very young, eg in Benin 45% are below the age of 15 years. While this means a big potential for the future, now it is a heavy load for the people actually working, who are in charge of the basic needs as well of education and medical care of the children.
- According to WHO, in Benin there is 0,5 hospital beds for 1000 inhabitants, compared to 8 in Germany.
- World Health Statistics show 0,5 doctors per 10 000 inhabitants, ranking Benin as No 183 of 194 countries, compared to Germany with 43 doctors on rank 25......................
- UN specifies the child mortality rate in 2021 in Benin as 83 out of 1000 live births, compared to 3,6 children out of 1000 live births in Germany
So, one Hospital may serve as referral center for half a million children - as our partner hospital in Benin!
This situation is aggravated by deficits in personnel like lack of staff trained in pediatric surgery, sub standard equipment and an unstable and unsafe power grid.
The association "pediatric surgery in Africa" adresses these deficits in personnel and equipment, with the goal of improving pediatric surgical care in Africa.
We are pedaitric surgeons and other interested people who engage in projects on site and assure that 100% of your donations are spent in those projects.
Most countries do train specialised doctors, albeit the number of pediatric surgeons is very low, and therefore also the knowledge of diagnosis, treatment and follow up of specific disorders of neonates and children.
We improve pediatric surgical care by supporting projects on site, in which children are evaluated, operated and treated.
At the same time, the local staff are trained in these areas and enabled to treat those conditions.
In addition, we support further measures like training courses for the local staff, or improvement of the equipment.
Many families of children in and around Benin can't afford necessary medical interventions and operations. In as much as funds are available, we support the treatment of children up to 100%.
Dr. Hartwig Sauter
Pediatric surgeons with working experience in several hospitals in Africa
Since 2014 head of section pediatric surgery, department of general, visceral, thoracic and pediatric surgery, Klinikum Ludwigsburg
2. Chairman:
Dr. Martin Hafner
Former Consultant Anesthetist, Department of Anesthesia, Klinikum Ludwigsburg
Kersten Ukatz
Former banker, since January 2024 our new treasurer
Manager special projects and fundraising:
Urban Niesser
Retired since 2019, before that in different functions in the IT-Business. Member of the association since 2020, he assumed the role of project manager for our special projects and the related fundraising. Like all of us, he works in a charitable capacity.
You are welcome to donate for our work, to enable us to realise our outreaches.
If you want to get more active, please contact us to see how that is possible, or consider a membership.
Pedaitric surgeons, anaesthetists and nurses are welcome to participate in an outreach, please contact us.

Transparent Civil Society Initiative
The association Kinderchirurgie in Afrika e.V. (Children's Surgery in Africa) voluntarily undertakes to disclose, according to a specific format, which goals it pursues, where the funds come from, how they are used and who decides on them.
Kinderchirurgie in Afrika e.V. attaches great importance to transparency. For this reason, the association Kinderchirurgie in Afrika e.V. undertakes to make the following information publicly accessible in a structured manner.
Name, registered office, address and year of foundation
Pediatric Surgery in Africa e.V.
Straifstr. 6 - 70597 Stuttgart
The association was founded in 2018 on the initiative of Dr. Hartwig Sauter and Dr. Susanne Eberlein.
Contact person: Dr. Hartwig Sauter
Statutes of the Association Pediatric Surgery in Africa e.V.
The association Kinderchirurgie in Afrika e.V. has been a registered association since 2018. The statutes regulate the basics: Purpose of the association, memberships, bodies, resolutions.
Our specific objectives are to increase knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of typical and common pediatric surgical diseases through practical training measures on site and thus to empower our local partners to treat these patients independently. Within the scope of our possibilities, we are also improving the instruments and infrastructure to achieve this goal.
The association was recognized as a non-profit corporation by the Stuttgart tax office on 01.04.2019. The current notice of exemption was issued on 24.07.2023.
Name and function of key decision-makers
The Executive Board within the meaning of § 26 BGB consists of the 1st Chairman, Dr. Hartwig Sauter and the 2nd Chairman, Dr. Martin Hafner
The association is represented in and out of court by one member of the Executive Board. Other members of the association with special functions are
Secretary, Marina Sauter
Treasurer, Kersten Ukatz
It is not permitted to combine several board offices in one person.
Annual reports of the Association for Pediatric Surgery in Africa e.V.
The Pediatric Surgery in Africa Association regularly publishes reports in which it shows where and how it pursues the goal of supporting the promotion of pediatric surgical care, including pediatric anesthesiological care, primarily in Africa.
Annual report for the year 2024 (as part of the general meeting)
Personnel structure
All members (currently 19) and non-members (approx. 10) actively working for the association Kinderchirurgie in Afrika e.V. work for the association on a voluntary basis (as at: 31.12.2023).
Source and use of funds
The source of funds for the actual tasks of the association (pediatric surgical treatment of children in Africa) is currently based on membership fees and donations from private individuals.
Financial report
The exact breakdown of income and expenditure can be seen in the last financial report
We currently (as at 31.12.2024) have no individuals who donate more than 10% of the association's total expenditure for the objectives defined in the Articles of Association.
Note: All administrative and advertising expenses were covered by member contributions, meaning that 100% of all donations were spent on specific projects.
Social solidarity
There is no organizational or legal connection to any other body or association. For our project in Benin, we work closely with the Liweitari Association and the Faaba Foundation, but there are no organizational or personnel overlaps.
Complaints mechanism
Persons inside and outside the association Kinderchirurgie in Afrika e.V. can report unethical behavior or suspected fraud in connection with the association's projects online. Please use the following contact form: